Register Today to Get Started!
Emeritus Program classes at NOCE are tuition-free for adults ages 18 and up.

Steps to register:
New Students
Part 1: Complete the NOCE Interest Form
- Complete your contact information
- Click submit
Part 2: Create an OpenCCC Account
You will receive a Welcome email from the California Community College Website with your account information and a code. Important: This code is NOT your student ID.
Do you need a step-by-step guide? Visit How to Create an OpenCCC Account – Application Part 1
Part 3: Complete the Noncredit College Application
Complete the form with your information. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact StarHelp at (714) 808-4679
- In 24-48 hours, you will receive your Student ID.
Do you need a step-by-step guide? Visit How to Apply to NOCE – Application Part 2
Note: do not fill out this form if you have previously taken classes with North Orange Continuing Education, Cypress College, or Fullerton College. You already have a Student ID.
How to Register for Emeritus Program Classes Held at Community or Senior Centers:
- Once you have your Student ID, you must register for your course in MyGateway.
- To access myGateway, visit and use your Student ID and password to log in.
- Once you have logged in, register for your Emeritus Program class(es) held at a community or senior Center using WebStar in MyGateway. You must have your course(s) CRNs to register.
- Read through this page for step-by-step instructions on How to Register for Classes.
- Once registered, your Instructor will reach out to you regarding how to access your course.
Online/Remote Classes
- Your instructor will contact you with the Zoom link or log in to Canvas on the start date listed in the class schedule. For step-by-step instructions on how to log into and use Canvas, view the Canvas video.
In-Person Classes
View the course description in the class schedule for dates/times/locations of the class.
For registration support, call (714) 808-4679 or e-mail
For questions about the Emeritus Program, call (714) 808-4909 or e-mail
NEW STUDENTS – How to Register for Emeritus Program Classes Held at Skilled Nursing or Rehabilitation Centers
- For residents of the facility – Contact your skilled nursing or rehabilitation center location’s Activity Director to inquire about class details and registration.
- For students not living in a nursing home or rehabilitation center, contact call (714) 808-4909 or e-mail
- For registration assistance, call (714) 808-4679 or e-mail
RETURNING STUDENTS – How to Register for Emeritus Program Classes Held at Community or Senior Centers
Welcome back! Follow these steps to register:
Refer to the NOCE Class Schedule for class details.
- For Emeritus Program classes held in a community center or senior center, view the latest class schedule, select the Emeritus Program course(s), and please note the CRN number(s).
- Register for the courses in myGateway.
- To access myGateway, visit and use your Student ID and password to log in.
- Once you have logged in, register for your classes using WebStar in MyGateway. You must have your course(s) CRNs to register.
- Read through this page for step-by-step instructions on How to Register for Classes.
- Once registered, your Instructor will reach out to you regarding how to access your course.
- For registration support, call 714) 808-4679 or e-mail
- For questions about the Emeritus Program, call (714) 808-4909 or e-mail
RETURNING STUDENTS – How to Register for Emeritus Program Classes Held at Skilled Nursing or Rehabilitation Centers
- For residents of the facility – Contact your skilled nursing or rehabilitation center location’s Activity Director to inquire about class details and registration.
- For students not living in a nursing home or rehabilitation center, contact call (714) 808-4909 or e-mail
- For registration assistance, call (714) 808-4679 or e-mail
Registration for Activities Directors/Off-Site Locations
OAP Off-Site Login Page
For assistance, contact the LEAP Emeritus office at: (714) 808-4909
*Emeritus is the Older Adult Program (OAP)
Need Help?
StarHelp can help you with filling out your NOCE application and accessing myGateway student portal.
- StarHelp phone: (714) 808-4679
- StarHelp e-mail:
- The NOCE Career Skills and Resource Lab will help students with remote technical assistance. NOCE At Home services are here to support students virtually!
- Help with how to access Zoom and Canvas.
- Access to online readiness videos for students to get helpful tips to succeed in online classes.
- Career Skills and Resource Lab phone: (714) 808-4717
- We are here to help! We want you to get enrolled and get started in your classes so you can meet your goals. Contact us with questions.
- LEAP-Emeritus Program phone: (714) 808-4909
- LEAP-Emeritus Program e-mail:
Class Locations
NOCE’s Emeritus Program hosts classes at various community-based locations throughout the North Orange County community, including churches, community centers, skilled nursing facilities, senior centers, rehabilitation centers, K12 schools, and more.