Need help? Contact 211OC
211OC is a database of health and human services. Get help with food, finances, and health care accessible 24 /7. Visit 211OC.org or call 2-1-1.
Your health and safety matter to North Orange Continuing Education. Please use this list as a starting point to get help. NOCE does not endorse or recommend the resources below. Visit their websites for more information.
Food Resources
Food Pantries in the Community
Anaheim Food Pantries
Distribution Schedule
For more information, contact:
Anaheim Drive-Thru Food Distribution
1515 West North Street
Anaheim, CA 92801
Monday and Thursday from 2 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday and Friday from 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Food and Resource Drive-Thru
1125 North Euclid Street
Anaheim, CA 92801
Call for detailed information
E–mail: jsouza@llac.org
Food Bank and Clothing
Iglesia Comunidad de Fe Orange
Call for detailed information
Call for detailed information
E–mail: iglesiacomunidaddefe1@gmail.com
Food Pantry at
Saint Anthony Claret
1450 East La Palma Avenue
Anaheim, CA 92805
Call for detailed information
Website: www.stanthonymaryclaret.org
Food Pantry at
The Native American United Methodist Church
800 South Lemon Street
Anaheim, CA 92805
Call for detailed information
Food Pantry at
Emmanuel Spanish Seventh Day Adventist Church
1520 South Lewis Street
Anaheim, CA 92805
Call for detailed information
Website: emmanuelspanishca.adventistchurch.org
E–mail: orfa_ruiz@hotmail.com
Food Pantry at
Church of Christ Food Pantry
641 South Western Ave
Anaheim, CA 92804
Sundays at 12:30 p.m.
Cypress Food Pantries
Distribution Schedule
For more information, contact:
EFAP – Commodities at
Cypress Senior Center
9031 Grindlay Street
Cypress, CA 90630
Call for detailed information
Website: Cypress Senior Center
Food Pantry at
Saint Irenaeus
5201 Evergreen Avenue
Cypress, CA 90630
Call for detailed information
Website: www.sticypress.org
Food Pantry at
Grateful Hearts Storehouse
Open by appointment only, call for detailed information
Open by appointment only; call for detailed information
(562) 431-0880 ext. 1
Website: www.gratefulhearts.org
Email: info@gratefulhearts.org
Food Pantry at
We Care of Los Alamitos
3788 Cerritos Avenue
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
Open by appointment only; call for detailed information
Website: www.wecarelosalamitos.org
Senior Grocery Program at
Los Alamitos Community Center
10911 Oak Street
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
Call for detailed information
Website: www.cityoflosalamitos.org/recreation
Fullerton Food Pantries
Distribution Schedule
For more information, contact:
Heart of Downtown Food Bank at Heart of Downtown Food Co-Op
223 East Wilshire Avenue
Fullerton, CA 92832
Call for detailed information
Website: www.heartofdowntown.org
E–mail: info@wilshireave.com
HUB of Hope Food Pantry at Pathways of Hope
611 South Ford Avenue
Fullerton, CA 92832
Call for detailed information
(714) 680-3691 ext. 220
Website: www.pathwaysofhope.us
Caring Hands Food Pantry at First Lutheran Church
215 North Lemon Street
Fullerton, CA 92832
Call for detailed information
Website: www.flcfullerton.com
E–mail: flcfullerton@yahoo.com
Senior Grocery Program at Fullerton Community Center
340 West Commonwealth Avenue
Fullerton, CA 92832
Call for detailed information
Food Distribution Program at North Orange County Regional Health Foundation
901 West Orangethorpe Avenue
Fullerton, CA 92832
Call for detailed information
Website: www.nocrhf.org
Community Resources
Housing Resources
Share Our Selves: Financial Assistance
Provides financial assistance to individuals and families. The following assistance may be provided based on available funding:
- Gas cards
- Target gift cards
- Bus passes
- Electric service payment assistance
- Water service payment assistance
- Partial rent payment assistance
- Partial utility reconnection fee (per household)
For more information, call: (949) 270-2100 or visit: www.shareourselves.org
Family Services: The Salvation Army Southern California
Provides partial rent or utility assistance for households experiencing a financial crisis. Partial rent and partial utility assistance are available once in a lifetime.
Please note: assistance is very limited. Only partial assistance is provided on a first-come, first-served basis.
The Family Services Office is experiencing technical issues with their phones. Applicants can call (714) 783-2344 for assistance, while the issues are being resolved.
City of Fullerton: Tenant-Based Rental Assistance Program of Veterans
Provides a rental subsidy for any veteran living in the city of Fullerton, who is 55 years and older, and paying 30% of their monthly rent.
For more information, call: (714) 738-6544 or visit: www.cityoffullerton.com
Mercy House Living Centers, Inc
Non-profit organization that provides homeless prevention, emergency services, transitional housing, and permanent housing with supportive services.
For more information, call: (714) 836-7188
E-mail: info@mercyhouse.net or visit: www.mercyhouse.net
Anaheim Housing Authority: Housing Choice Voucher Program
Provides Section 8 rental subsidies.
Note that there are long waitlists and often they open only for a short period of time.
For more information, call: (714) 765-4320 or visit: www.anaheim.net/1989/Housing-Choice-Voucher-Program
Pathways of Hope
Pathways of Hope (POH) partners with NOCCCD to manage the food pantries at NOCE Anaheim Campus, Cypress College, and Fullerton College. POH also distributes food and offers appointments at the HUB of Hope in Fullerton. POH leads a community effort to provide access to food, shelter, and housing to those experiencing hunger and homelessness in North Orange County. They are committed to rebuilding the lives of the hungry and homeless through emergency food, resource distribution, emergency, and rapid re-housing, eviction prevention, and other initiatives designed to help people in need. POH offers programming under three strategic areas:
- Prevention and Outreach: Distribution of food and basic needs/supplies, delivering meals to homebound clients, emergency utility/rental assistance, outreach resources, and service navigation.
- Shelter and Housing: Two shelters in their On–Campus Housing Program, rapid re-housing program, and permanent supportive housing.
- Advocacy and Collaboration: Over 40 local congregations and community agencies partner with POH in helping address poverty, hunger, and homelessness.
- Prevention and Outreach: Distribution of food and basic needs/supplies, delivering meals to homebound clients, emergency utility/rental assistance, outreach resources, and service navigation.
For more information visit Pathways of Hope
Legal Resources
Hermandad Mexicana: Family and Immigration Law Assistance
Provides advocacy in the family and immigration sector of the law for the Hispanic community, including:
- Citizenship preparation
- Residency assistance
- Deferred Action preparation
- One-on-one immigrant lawyer consulting
For more information, call: (714) 541-0250
LGBTQ Center Orange County: Immigration Resources
Provides education, resources, referrals, legal support, and assistance with accessing services to immigrants and refugees in the LGBTQ+ community, who are seeking a lawful immigrant or citizenship status.
For more information, call: (714) 953-5428 or visit: www.lgbtqcenteroc.org/services/immigrationresources
Financial Resources
Share Our Selves: Financial Assistance
Provides financial assistance to individuals and families. The following assistance may be provided based on available funding:
- Gas cards
- Target gift cards
- Bus passes
- Electric service payment assistance
- Water service payment assistance
- Partial rent payment assistance
- Partial utilities reconnection fee (per household)
For more information, call: (949) 270-2100 or visit: www.shareourselves.org
Southern California Tribal Chairman’s Association: SCTCA Tribal TANF Program
Provides services to Native American families including:
- Monthly cash assistance (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, also known as TANF)
- Law enforcement
- Food commodities
- Information technology services
- Rincon Child Development Center
- Adult vocational training and career development center
- Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
- Library program
- Tribal Digital Village (TDV)
- Resource prevention program
- Transportation assistance
For more information, call: (866) 726-2230
Saint Irenaeus Church: Financial Assistance
Offers financial assistance to people within the parish boundaries for the following services based on available donations:
- Utility bill payment assistance
- Rent payment assistance
- Bus passes
Note: callers must live within the parish boundaries: All of the city of Cypress and La Palma and small section of Buena Park: North boundary of Orangethorpe to south boundary of Lincoln; small section of Anaheim: east boundary of Valley View Avenue to west boundary of Western Avenue.
For more information, call: (714) 826-0760 or visit: www.sticypress.org
LGBTQIA+ Resources
El Camino College
El Camino College presents the LGBTQIA+ Safe Zone Project Resource Guide: A Community Manual for Local & National Queer Resources. This guide offers our students, employees, and allies important information and connections to various LGBTQIA+ resources and services. Please take some time to review this document that supports our efforts to create a diverse, equitable, and inclusive college.
View the resource guide: Flipbook
Planned Parenthood
Health Services for LGBTQIA+
Call: 800) 230-7526The Trevor Project
Mental Health Services
Suicide Hotline: (866) 488-7386 call, text, or chatLGBTQ Therapy Groups
Provides therapy groups led by Marriage and Family Therapist trainees to LGBTQ community members.
For more information, email: info@lgbtcenteroc.org or visit: www.lgbtqcenteroc.org
Transition Health and Wellness Transgender Program
Offers various services for the transgender community including:
- Endocrinologist (hormone) referrals
- Counseling
- Social and support groups
- Community events
For more information, call: (714) 953-5428, email: info@lgbtcenteroc.org, or visit: www.lgbtqcenteroc.org
Provides early intervention services to individuals experiencing mild to moderate behavioral health symptoms and identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, and/or Questioning (LGBTIQ+). Services provided include behavioral health screening and assessments, counseling, psychoeducational and support groups, case management, community education and training, and referrals and linkages to other resources.
The program provides a safe environment for individuals and the important people in their lives to express their feelings and connect with others. OC ACCEPT also seeks to reduce stigma by educating the community at large.
The Program addresses challenges that people identifying as LGBTIQ+ may experience, such as:- Confusion
- Isolation
- Grief and loss
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Suicidal thoughts
- Self-medicating with drugs and other high-risk behaviors
- Self-esteem challenges
- Victims of bullying
- Trauma
- Homelessness
- Lack of familial support
For more information, call: (714) 645-8000 or visit: www.ochealthinfo.com/bhs/about/pi
LGBTQ Center Orange County: Immigration Resources
Provides education, resources, referrals, legal support, and assistance with accessing services to immigrants and refugees in the LGBTQ+ community seeking a lawful immigrant or citizenship status.
For more information, call: (714) 953-5428 or visit: www.lgbtqcenteroc.org/services/immigrationresources
Health Resources
LGBTQIA+ and Addiction: Causes Resources and Treatment
Know Your Rights
A Guide for Trans* and Gender Non-Conforming Students
Childcare Resources
Orange County Head Start, inc.
Orange County Head Start, Inc. (OCHS) services over 4,000 children from low-income families at no cost. There are centers throughout Orange County. Contact your local Head Start office about enrollment.
Main Office:
2501 S. Pullman Street, Suite 100
Santa Ana, CA 92705
Phone: (714) 241-8920
Fax: (949) 596-8291Questions about enrolling your child: enrollment@ochsinc.org or click here
General Information: info@ochsinc.org
Website: www.ochsinc.orgMOMS Orange County
MOMS Orange County delivers high-impact Home Visits and Group Classes that result in healthier mothers and babies.
Under nurse supervision, our home visitors deliver women access to prenatal care, health screenings, health education, infant development screenings, and resource referral services beginning in early pregnancy and through the baby’s first birthday.
MOMS Orange County Office:
1128 W Santa Ana Blvd
Santa Ana, CA 92703Email: info@momsorangecounty.org
Phone: (800) 787-5858
Website: https://www.momsorangecounty.org/
Health Resources
Healthcare Resources
Medi-Cal and Covered California Insurance Application Assistance from North Orange County Regional Health Foundation
Offers Medi-Cal and Covered California insurance application assistance. Appointments can also be made for information-only about the Medi-Cal and Covered California programs.
For more information, call: (714) 441-0411 or visit: www.nocrhf.org
County of Orange Social Services Agency-Adult Services, Aid Programs, and Public Health Insurance
Provides free to low-cost medical insurance for qualifying California residents of all ages that covers essential health benefits including:
- Outpatient, emergency, and hospitalization services
- Maternity, newborn care, and pediatric care
- Mental health and substance use disorder services
- Prescription drugs and laboratory services
- Physical, occupational, and rehabilitative therapy
- Preventive care and chronic disease management
- Pediatric dental and limited adult dental services
Insurance coverage may be available for medical services received prior to Medi-Cal coverage through what is known as Retroactive Medi-Cal.
For more information, call: (800) 281-9799 or visit: mybenefitscalwin.org
Share Our Selves: Medical Clinic
Provides primary health care for people with or without health insurance. Services to established patients may include coordination of specialty care such as cardiology, nephrology, neurology, optometry, gastroenterology, gynecology, physical therapy, and a low-cost prescription medication program.
For more information call: (949) 270-2100 or visit: www.shareourselves.org
Lestonnac Free Clinic
Offers primary and specialty medical care services to people without medical insurance.
For more information:
Anaheim Clinic: Call (714) 399-4571
Los Alamitos Medical Center: Call (562) 493-4466
Main Appointment Line: Call (714) 633-4600
E–mail: info@lestonnacfreeclinic.org or Visit: www.lestonnacfreeclinic.org
Western Youth Services
Western Youth Services provides outpatient mental health services primarily for Orange County Medi-Cal eligible clients up to age twenty-one years old. Individualized and solution-focused services are provided at a level, frequency and duration consistent with each client’s treatment goals utilizing Evidenced-Based Practices. Services include but are not limited to clinical interventions, clinical and psycho-diagnostic assessment, family therapy, crisis intervention, treatment planning, discharge planning, case management, linkage to other services, mental health consultations, mediation support, Therapeutic Behavioral Services and advocacy.
WYS has locations throughout Orange County, CA which include: Outreach & Engagement facilities, Medi-Cal Outpatient Clinics, Family Resource Centers, and on-site School-based Services. They also offer additional services through their collaborative partnerships to provide an integrated approach to mental health care. Please call to see which locations and services are best for you.
Phone: (888) 312-0406
Behavioral and Mental Health Resources
OC Links Information and Referral Line
Provides telephone and online chat support for anyone seeking information or linkage to any of the Health Care Agency’s Behavioral Health Services. These services include children and adult mental health, alcohol and drug inpatient and outpatient programs, crisis programs, prevention, and early intervention services.
For more information, call: (855) OC-Links ((855) 625-4657) or visit: www.ochealthinfo.com/bhs/about/nit/oclinks
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.
Call: 988 For deaf & Hard of Hearing dial 711 then 988
Visit: https://988lifeline.org/contact-the-lifeline/
New Hope Crisis Hotline: Catholic Charities of Orange County, Inc.
Trained faith-based crisis workers provide a hotline for crisis intervention and suicide prevention.
Call: (714) NEW-HOPE ((714) 639-4673) or visit: www.newhopenow.org
WarmLine: National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Orange County
Provides a WarmLine for emotional support and guidance for people with concerns about their mental health, substance abuse, and loneliness. A “warmline” is a telephone line that helps with people whose need is not urgent. Also offers information and referral to community resources.
Call: (877) 910-9276 or call/text: (714) 991-6412
E–mail: WL@namioc.org or visit: www.namioc.org/oc-warmline
Offers 24/7 online support and resources to individuals who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Visit: www.ptsdunited.org
Casa De La Familia
CDLF was founded on the vision of having an organization dedicated to ensuring the long-lasting mental health success of individuals who have experienced a psychological trauma with the primary focus of services for the underserved and underrepresented minority populations. The mission of CDLF centers on providing mental health treatment, stigma reduction through psychoeducation, and advocacy related services. Our therapists are bilingual in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese.
For more information, please visit: casadelafamilia.org
A federal government website managed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human.
A nonprofit resource building safer communities by helping people find their way. Whether redirecting youth offenders, helping sheltered children get back on track, unifying troubled families, resolving community conflicts or empowering victims of violence, Waymakers clears the path so clients can advance beyond crisis.
Phone: (949) 250-0488
Fax: (714) 540-1908
Email: info@waymakersoc.org
1221 East Dyer Road
Suite 120
Santa Ana, CA 92705Western Youth Services
Western Youth Services provides outpatient mental health services primarily for Orange County Medi-Cal eligible clients up to age twenty-one years old. Individualized and solution-focused services are provided at a level, frequency and duration consistent with each client’s treatment goals utilizing Evidenced-Based Practices. Services include but are not limited to clinical interventions, clinical and psycho-diagnostic assessment, family therapy, crisis intervention, treatment planning, discharge planning, case management, linkage to other services, mental health consultations, mediation support, Therapeutic Behavioral Services and advocacy.
WYS has locations throughout Orange County, CA which include: Outreach & Engagement facilities, Medi-Cal Outpatient Clinics, Family Resource Centers, and on-site School-based Services. They also offer additional services through their collaborative partnerships to provide an integrated approach to mental health care. Please call to see which locations and services are best for you.
Phone: (888) 312-0406
Email: info@westernyouthservices.org
Stigma Free OC is a county-wide movement which aims to clear the stigma associated with mental illness and addiction. Stigma can make it difficult to see people for who they really are beyond the conditions they are living with. The campaign is dedicated to raising awareness of these illnesses by creating an environment where people are seen and supported in their efforts to achieve wellness and recovery.
For more information on Efforts to Reduce Stigma – Visit StigmaFreeOC
Human Trafficking Prevention and Recovery
OC Human Trafficking Taskforce
The Orange County Human Trafficking Task Force (OCHTTF) is an emblematic organizational structure of different lead agencies and community partners driven together by a common mission; to combat human trafficking in Orange County. We strive to address the crime of human trafficking in Orange County, California; and to ensure that all victims are identified and supported, and perpetrators are held accountable.
For more information, visit: ochumantrafficking.com
National Human Trafficking Hotline
If you or someone you know needs help, call the National Human Trafficking Hotline toll-free hotline, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1 (888) 373-7888 to speak with a specially trained Anti-Trafficking Hotline Advocate. Support is provided in more than 200 languages. We are here to listen and connect you with the help you need to stay safe.
Callers can dial 711 to access the Hotline using TTY.
You can also email us at help@humantraffickinghotline.org.
To report a potential human trafficking situation, call the hotline at 1 (888) 373-7888, or submit a tip online here.
Orangewood – Project CHOICE and the Lighthouse
At Orangewood Foundation we understand that not all youth are ready or able to leave their current trafficking situation (also commonly known as “the life” or “the game”) as it can take many attempts before leaving for good. Here at Orangewood, we have developed programs and services to meet youth’s needs, whether they are still in “the life” or not.
We don’t judge the decisions youth make, as our number 1 priority is youth’s health and safety. Two of our programs to check out include Project Choice: Drop-in Center* and The Lighthouse.
For more information, please visit: orangewood4you.org
Casa De La Familia
Funded through the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC), U.S. Department of Justice, Grant No. 2019-VT-BX-0071, CDLF supports victims of Human Trafficking through providing psychological counseling, case management, support groups, outreach, psychoeducation, and related services to victims of human trafficking in Los Angeles County and Orange County.
For more information, please visit: casadelafamilia.org
Rescued from human trafficking? Right To Rise is a program of Casa de La Familia, offers therapy at no cost to human trafficking survivors and their families. Call (877) 611-CASA to schedule an appointment.