Accommodations to Drive Equity and Academic Success.
Our Disability Support Services (DSS) Program ensures equal access to education at NOCE by working with students who have verified disabilities to identify accommodations they need for success.
Ready to Get Started?
Contact the DSS office today!
Common Accommodations
Testing accommodations
Testing accommodations include any changes to tests or testing conditions that allow students with disabilities to show their knowledge and skills. The goal of providing accommodations is to create equity for students whose disabilities make it harder to show what they have learned on a test. Students must meet with a counselor to determine what testing accommodations will benefit them best.
Common modifications include:
- Providing a quiet, distraction-reduced testing environment
- Extra time to complete tests
- Alternative materials (Such as Braille for the blind and visually impaired)
DSS provides sign language interpretation to eligible students who are deaf or hard of hearing. Arrange a meeting with a DSS counselor immediately upon enrolling in a class to use this service.
Note-Taking Assistance
Students who need help taking notes have a variety of options:
- The instructor may make their notes available online.
- Students may record notes with a smartphone or digital recorders (requires DSS counselor approval)
- Peer notetaking from volunteer students and assigned staff note-takers.
Alternate Media & Reading Services
Alternate media and reading services provide electronic or audio versions of students’ textbooks, tests, or other written class materials. The DSS Alternate Media Specialist helps facilitate delivery of tests and other coursework in accessible formats.
NOCE uses several different common electronic and audio formats to accommodate student needs:
- Kurzweil enables students to read text on a computer by reading the text out loud while highlighting each word.
- Learning Ally (formerly RFB&D – Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic) is an audio format for textbooks. DSS counselors and/or the Alternate Media Specialist can help students set up a Learning Ally account.
- Braille, e-text, and other formats are available for students with visual impairments.
- Other specialized equipment and training can be provided by the DSS department based on student need. Students should plan to get training in assistive technology before enrolling in a class where the technology will be needed.
Need Alternative Media?
SensusAccess is provided by NOCE to help facilitate campus alternate media needs. We encourage all NOCE students, faculty, and staff to take advantage of this service.