Step 1:

The top right of the NOCE homepage where the myGateway logo lives

At the very top of the homepage, click on the MyGateway icon.

Or go to

Step 2:

Log onto MyGateway with your MyGateway ID (also known as your Banner/Student ID) and your password.

Screenshot of the mygateway login page

Don’t know your MyGateway ID?
Click on the “Forgot Username” link on the MyGateway site. 

Don’t know your password?
Click on the “Forgot Password?” button on the MyGateway site. screenshot of the forgot password button

Do you still need help or have questions? E-mail StarHelp at or call StarHelp at (714) 808-4679.

Step 3:

Click on Update Information in the My Information Widget Box

A screenshot of your myGateway homepage with the "My Information" widget box in the center of the page. A red arrow pointing at the Update Information button.

Step 4:

For Email, Phone Number, and Address -click on the Pencil icon on each item you want to update. Once the change has been made, click Update

A screenshot of your information on myGateway. Red circles around the edit buttons on the page. The edit buttons have a pen icon and are right next to the trash icons.

Step 5:

For Personal details (Preferred First Name, Personal Pronoun, Gender Identification), click on the Pencil icon next to Edit and then click Update.
Students now have the option to update their gender identity and chosen name. This information may be used on unofficial records and documents maintained by the District. Official documents will require a legal name and gender change. Please refer to the Student Information Change Form for complete submission details, the form, and the places where this information will appear.

A screenshot of your personal information on myGatewau with a different way to edit your information. Red circle around the Edit link at the top right hand corner of the box.