Purpose of the NOCE Accessibility Workgroup

Develop school-wide policies, plan for accessibility compliance that would include:

  • Procurement, development of instructional materials and ICT products that are accessible (purchasing, development)
  • Using/maintaining accessible materials (staff/faculty materials in class and on the web)
  • Promoting awareness of the laws, standards related to accessibility (training of law, standard and how to maintain compliance)

Workgroup Charge

  • Review and implement the CCC Institutional Guidance Matrix
  • Review and develop accessibility plan based on the four goals of the CCC Standards
  • Development of web page demonstrating institutional commitment to accessibility
  • Development of Accessibility Complaint Process
  • Consistent technology audits for accessibility compliance
  • Ongoing training on accessibility laws, standards, requirements for staff and faculty
  • Development of procurement strategies to ensure accessibility compliance

NOCE Accessibility Workgroup Documents